
To translate this page click Google Translate of this page and choose your language.

How to change language for individual app 

If yours device is in different language than what you want the app to be shown, here is an example how to change it.
For example your device language is English, but you want the app to be showing Spanish localization. Search for "how to change language for android individual app" Example:

Remove ads problems

If you have problems with remove ads, more information is here.

More / missing prayers 

Are you looking for more prayers or you would like to add new prayer to the app you are using? Check out this post: More prayers  

iOS (iPhone, iPad) app version

I am looking for the app on Apple App store, but I can not find it. As the rules for Apple App store are different and they do not allow some apps to be published, not all Android apps are on iOS App Store. However all audio prayers are available in Prayers Audio iOS app and many iOS text prayers are available in Prayerbook iOS or Rosary Text iOS app

Support & Help

If you need support or you would like to participate on app localisations, you can contact me on email written below. 

Other questions 

You have not found an answer to your question? Let me know at
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Affilate links

Spreadshirt affiliate link: Christian clothes and gifts

Amazon affiliate link: Christian clothes and gifts


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