Divine Will Kingdom Luisa Piccarreta 24 hours of Passion Android App

Divine Will Kingdom Android app

Meditate on last 24 hours of Jesus during the course of His Passion. The app works both online and offline. You can both read or use the text to speech function, which will read the text for you.


The Hours of the Passion were written by the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta in her 36 volumes Book of heaven and were collected and published by Saint Anibal Maria di Francia. Kingdom of the Divine Will comes from Our Father prayer, which was given to us by Jesus.

If the text is too big or too small, you can adjust its size in app main menu settings. 

App contains now English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, French and Polish  language. You can use https://support.google.com/android/answer/12395118 to change the app language in system settings.


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