Healthy food - Health Instructor App

 This text is part of the Health instructor app


The question is not only what to eat to be healthy, but more important, what to stop eating.
Recommended is to eat what grew locally in your area in the nature and was not processed yet.
In such food, a large number of vitamins and minerals are "wrapped" in a perfectly balanced ratio and you do not have to pay anything extra for them.
But people in the western world chronically lack some vitamins anyway - like vitamin D. The basis of supplements should be fish oil, which contains the extremely important virus preventing vitamin D combined with sun light. 
'Places not visited by the sun are visited by the doctor.'
Next, use vitamin C (e.g. water with lemon in the morning), a group of B vitamins and minerals such as selenium and zinc.
To prolong life, it is healthy to eat very little and do fasting. Also nourish your body with enough exercise to get healing oxygen into your blood. 
Nourish your body by skin exposure to sun to have enough vitamin D. To enjoy benefits of healthy food do not forget to chew it well. Putting the food into your mouth is not the end. Good chewing helps you to digest the food and get the nourishment from the food before it leaves your body.    
Much of what we eat also makes us sleepy, affects our mood, lowers the level of perception and hinders the optimal vitality of the body. Impulsive eating results in toxic residues in the body and has a far-reaching effect on the number of years lived. 
Most mental and emotional problems can be minimized by focusing on proper nutrition. We only need to eat what is healthy and only as much as we need. All food that contains refined sugar, refined flour, meat, eggs and drugs such as coffee, alcohol, tobacco and other useless foods should be eliminated. 
Eat only fresh, unrefined, unprocessed foods without chemical additives. For the beginning the breakfast, for example eat fruits. The main meal, lunch, should be unprocessed salad, boiled potatoes, maybe a little cheese and wholegrain bread if you can't live without bread yet. Dinner should be a raw salad. Add unsalted seeds and nuts to each meal.

What not to eat 
Do not drink alcohol, coffee, sweet, salty, do not eat white flour (sugar and pastry makes candida grow), eat a balanced diet, do not eat more energy than you consume.
Food loses vitamins during transport, processing and cooking - it is necessary to eat locally fresh food that has not been transported for a long time.
The nutritional value of the food decreases if the food is stored in the light.
Average guy's healthy diet consists of rice, fish, lean meat, vegetables and fruits.
Your health starts in the shopping basket! 
Read the labels what your food consists of. Don't buy products which have sugar or fructose on the first 3 places. Avoid flour, milk, pastries (gluten), meat, pasta and cheese create mucus and cause inflammation. 
Better buy antifungal foods like kefir, acidophilus milk, blueberries, vegetables only growing above ground due to nitrates, rosemary basil, cinnamon, apple, cider vinegar, coconut oil and coconut milk, ginger, grapefruit, peppers, blackcurrant, tusk, olive oil, garlic, onion, horseradish, beetroot, radish, leek, sesame, dandelion, marigold, horsetail, bananas, broccoli, spinach, unsalted raisins, butter, rice, ginger, pumpkin seeds, unpeeled almonds, oatmeal, lemons, grapefruit, etc.
Another level up to the healthy food is raw uncooked vegetables and fruits combined with fasting. Grasses mixed with fruit are the best digestible for humans.
Benefits of raw diet  The breath does not smell in the morning. Neither sweat nor stool stinks. Man has no mucus, he has full energy from morning to evening. The body needs less food to do the same effort - the gut and body work more efficiently. 

Common raw diet errors are:
  • too much of sweet fruit
  • lack of bitter things and lack of green leafy vegetables  
  • lack of chewing the food   
  • lack of cleansing (enemas or rinses) that regularly help detoxify the body  
  • lack of exercise  consumption of the same foods over and over again - little variety leads to nutritional deficiency like lack of vital minerals (magnesium, zinc) and vitamins      
Next levels of nourishments are people drinking only juices (I have heard of a man healing his cancer with drinking only leafy vegetable juices for a month) and so called breatherians, but I have no personal experience with that kind of nourishment, so I can not recommend that from my experience yet.


This text is part of the Health instructor app

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